Want to up your Amazon SEO game, plus get personality-filled copy customers actually read (and give a shizz about)?

You can’t go wrong with one of these sales-stealin’ packages:

Plain Text Description

(Perfect for new sellers)


✔ Proprietary keyword research

✔ Amazon product title optimization

✔ 5 SEO optimized bullet points

✔ 1 SEO optimized product description

✔ Fully optimized backend keywords

A+ Content Description

(For brand-registered sellers only)


✔ Proprietary keyword research

✔ Amazon product title optimization

✔ 5 SEO optimized bullet points

✔ 1 EBC/A+ content description

✔ Fully optimized backend keywords

Plain Text + EBC/A+ Description

(For sellers who will be brand registered soon)


✔ Proprietary keyword research

✔ Amazon product title optimization

✔ 5 SEO optimized bullet points

✔ Plain text description & Amazon A+ content

✔ Fully optimized backend keywords



Got a variation that’s just a tad different from your main product? Order an extra bullet or two and save cash on a full listing! This add-on is great for products that have additional colors, sizes or slight bundle variations (i.e. your main listing is an artist sketchbook and Variation #1 includes the sketchbook + a set of graphite pencils).



Did you know? Creating different titles for your product variations gives you a chance to rank for different keywords! Instead of using the same title for all your variations, let me create unique headlines for each, with new primary and secondary keywords that increase your product visibility and give you multiple chances to score Amazon SEO love from the A9 algorithm.

Got a hankerin’ for more? Check out these à la carte offerings:

amazon image copywriting

Pssst! Wanna know a secret? Some Amazon shoppers don’t actually read your bullets or A+ content and only look at the images. The horror! Although the text-based part of your product description will still get you plenty of SEO love from the A9 algorithm, you shouldn’t neglect the first place these picture-only peepers go to scope out your product: your images!

With powerful image copy that highlights all your product’s best assets, you’ll have customers reading, drooling and scrambling to hit that “Add to Cart” button!


product & brand NAMING

Who wants a brand name that’s boring, hard to pronounce and completely forgettable? Nobody! Make your mark on the Amazon world and give your brand instant credibility with a product name that oozes authority, trust and a whole lotta personality. You’ll get a list of 10 brandable names that not only sound great, but reflect your identity and values too.

All brand names are run through the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office), so they’re ready for trademarking through Amazon brand registry and beyond!


Don’t waste another day watching second-rate products steal your spotlight.

You’re selling something amazing and it’s time your product got the love and attention it deserved.
Click here to order the same Amazon listing optimization service 8-figure sellers use to boost sales and crush the competition!